- Connected You Letters with Essi
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- If it's not a whole-embodied yes, it's a no!
If it's not a whole-embodied yes, it's a no!
If it's not a whole-embodied yes, it's a no!
If it's not a whole-embodied yes, it's a no.
What if we made decisions from this filter?What would your life look like, then?How can we make more whole-embodied decisions?Well, let me geek out on something I learned about that can help you do JUST that!
I'm personally having a hard time making decisions at the moment. I know this is due to not feeling secure in my root Chakra. If we don't feel rooted and secure in our physical realm whether it is with our health, financially or with our home - it affects our decision making.If you are not feeling stable - it is hard to make solid decisions. So, if you're feeling it is difficult to make decisions, check in:- Do I feel stable in my body?- Do I feel stable in my physical health?- Do I feel secure in my home and housing situation?- Do I feel secure financially?If any of these are a no, there is misalignment in your Root Chakra and those areas of your life must take center stage where to put your action and intention. Book a free call with me and we can have a chat how my coaching and Energy Alignment Assessment could help you get rooted in your life. xNow on to the fun stuff. 🤩ENNEAGRAM PERSONALITY TYPES AND DECISION MAKINGHave you found out your Enneagram personality type, yet?I just found out mine over last weekend thanks to my friend introducing me to it. Enneagram has nine basic personality types, and we all have these nine types within us in some degrees, but we have one that is most dominant. I will not dive deep into the nine types, and what they entail, you can do the test and see the relevant links below to each. :)
Each personality type has a dominant triad, a center of intelligence, which determines how you make sense of the world, make decisions and move through life.THE CENTERS OF INTELLIGENCE AND THE PERSONALITY TYPES:
Heart, or feeling, centered: Two, Three and Four"For Enneagram Types Two, Three and Four, feelings are of central importance. People in this group are chiefly guided by the emotional qualities that sustain relationships with others — things like recognition, social inclusion and emotional support."
Head-centered: Five, Six, and Seven"The focus of the head types is analysis. For this group, the world is primarily perceived through a series of factual concepts. The goal is to gain security through the mental processes of planning, thinking and foresight. Head types trust these processes as the best way to help them gain control..."
Body, or gut, centered: Eight, Nine, and One: "A strong gut feeling or intuition informs their decision-making, and they react almost immediately to their surroundings without ever really pausing to think about whether their impulses are meaningful, or how their reactions might affect others." So, for me being an Eight, I make decisions from intuition and gut feeling instantaneously. So, how can we tap into this decision power in a more whole-embodied way?HOW TO GET TO A WHOLE-EMBODIED YES?You gotta check in with each intelligence centre, starting from your core centre first!If you're a Head Type, you go from head to heart to gut.For me, as an Eight and gut centre, it is bottom up: Gut > Heart > HeadI came up with questions how we can check in with each centre to get to a whole-embodied yes.1. Gut: Is my intuition saying a hell YES?2. Heart: Is my heart feeling and connecting with this decision wholeheartedly that this will positively impact my connection with others and the world around me?3. Head: What facts, processes, systems or planning need to be done to make this a whole-embodied yes?REMEMBER! ROOT CHAKRA MUST BE CONNECTED FIRSTRegardless which type you are - if you are not connected in the Root Chakra first - tapping into this energy will be difficult. You've got to get the Root Chakra to get to the power of Sacral and Solar Plexus (you can read about this in the 2nd chapter of my book.)This is why I always start with Root Chakra focused work with my coaching clients, because if you don't feel rooted, nothing else can stand strong above it either.Like a tree, if it does not has its roots, it falls over. Same thing applies to us.So, make sure to start there with the check-in from the beginning and then when it comes to decision making - I encourage you to find out your Enneagram and honor your intelligence centre with decision making. And if nothing else, this can be another fun personality test to help you make sense of your world and how you connect with yourself, others and the wider world. It shall make a fun dinner convo with your friends or family! 😄Reply to this email and let me know your dominant Enneagram type! I'd love to know and hear how this resonates with you! 😄Heartfully,EssiSources:https://personalitypath.com/enneagram/9-personality-types/https://www.truity.com/blog/enneagram-triads-do-you-make-decisions-through-your-belly-heart-or-head
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